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You're viewing Star Wars : Jedi Academy Cheat Codes

Game Name : Star Wars : Jedi Academy
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2006-12-30 21:51:39
Views : 19868

Cheat Mode
Press ~ to open the console then enter helpusobi 1 to enable cheat mode. The enter the following codes:

give weaponsAll weapons
thereisnospoonBullet time
name [enter name here]Changes your name
use atst_deathDestroy all AT-STs
cg_drawgun 1Disable weapon models
cg_drawtimer 0Disables the Timer
cg_drawgun 0Enable weapon models
cg_drawtimer 1Enables the Timer
give batteriesFull battery bar
give inventoryFull inventory
setforceall 3Gives you all the force powers on a level 3
give allGives you max weapons, health and shields
godGod mode
npc kill allKill all NPCs
control [NPC name]Lets you control any ally following you
noclipNo clipping mode, which allows you to float in the air
setviewpos [x] [y] [z] [yaw]Places camera at indicated position
quitQuit the game without going through the menus
cg_drawcrosshair 1Remove crosshair. (0 to replace)
where [classname]Reveals where indicated entity is located
screenshotScreenshot w/ console window
levelshotScreenshot w/o console window
spawn [item name]Spawns given item
give weaponnum [weapon #]Spawns given weapon
force_healUses Force Heal ability
G_knockback XX is a number. The higher the number, the further people are knocked back.

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